Chiếc Pre-amp này có giá list rất rẻ: 800 USD, được Pioneer sx năm 88 và là chiếc Pre-amp Reference của hãng này, em thấy trên audiogon Review có bài review về em này rất hay và thậm chí đánh giá tương đương và có phần nhỉnh hơn Audible Ilusions M3A hay Bel Canto SEP1, không biết có bác nào thấy hoặc nghe chiếc Pre này chưa và có thấy em nào chôi nổi ở đâu không thì ới em với , ah, mà hình như VN mình thường bán đồ Pioneer rẻ lém :lol: ( ... &read&3&4&) Review: Pioneer C-90 Preamplifier If you can find this preamp, you should buy it. It came out around 1987. Julian Hirsch did a review of it in “Stereo Review” when it came out and he said it was one the best measured preamps he had ever tested. If you remember the old “Stereo Review” reviews, they did an excellent job discussing the measurements, but said very little about the sound quality. I came upon one in great condition at a local pawnshop for $160. I hate to pass on a good deal, so I bought it thinking I could use it in my office or bedroom. I’ve owned several preamps such as the Audible Illusion M3A, B&K Ref 30 and the Bel Canto SEP1. The Pioneer is very well built. It has a large chassis and weighs about 25 pounds. It has a dual mono power supply. This contributes to its excellent measurements providing a separate power supply for each channel. It has video switching (which I don’t use) and tone controls that are defeatable. According to Julian Hirsch, it has the quietest measured phono stage he has ever tested (the review was in 1987), so the phono stage should sound great. I do not have a turntable, so I’m unable to test the phono stage. Nevertheless, the line stage is absolutely amazing. I was stunned by how good this preamp sounded. I tested using PSB Image 7PT speakers. This is not the best pair of speakers I own, but it is the only full-range set of speakers. The PSB’s are actually nice sounding speakers, but are a fussy match. I think the PSB’s are dry sounding speakers. I’ve used them with different solid-state integrated amps such as the Linn Majik and Rega Mira and they sounded awful. I think they sound great with tubes and the Audible Illusions made a good match with the PSB’s; tubes give the PSB’s a little sparkle. The amp I’ve used for a long time is a Crown D-150 Series II. The Series I model was the professional standard through the 1980’s. The Series II version came out in the late 1990’s with new cosmetics. The Crown is a very revealing amp. It can sound a little bright if used with a bright preamp. However, the Crown has awesome detail and dynamics and sounds wonderful with a tube preamp. The Pioneer has a surprisingly warm sound. Voices come through very detailed, but with a rich and transparent quality that matched the Audible Illusions. I was amazed at how closely these two preamps sounded alike. In terms of transparency, I’ve have not heard anything better than the Pioneer C-90. The vocals sit in front of the instruments, but possess a rich liquid shimmering quality that sounds very lifelike. It sounded like Norah Jones was sitting in front of me. I have not heard such presence in any preamp. Even Robert Cray’s “Heavy Picks” which sounds very bright and too much like a recorded compact disc, sounded lifelike. I felt I was no longer listening to Cray on a CD, but a few rows back at a one of his concerts. As much as the Audible Illusions comes close, it does not match the Pioneer’s level of transparency. This preamp sold for $800 in 1987. If you factor inflation, it would probably sell for $1200. This is amazingly cheap for such a well-built and awesome sounding preamp. I think the Pioneer would be right at home in a much more expensive set-up. I just wish Pioneer would continue to make quality value laden separates that could compete with the high-end manufactures. Associated gear Crown D-150 Series II Amplifier PSB Image 7PT Speakers Toshiba SD-9000 DVD Player Similar products Audible Ilusions M3A B&K Reference 30 Bel Canto SEP1 by Kirk_knittle on 01-23-03
Cách đây vài tháng ở NTảo có đến vài bộ pre-pow này, giá cũng rất mềm, có cả model mới hơn là M-90A hay D gì đó. Bên ngoài nhìn cũng gấu và đẹp, nhưng thực tế âm thanh cũng bình thường lắm! Lúc trươc em đã xài vài model REFERENCE của Pioneer rồi, nhưng âm thanh chẳng reference tí nào! Thân.
Em thấy Tây nó đánh giá ghê thế mà ruột Pioneer còn nào cũng đẹp, gấu, đúng là chẳng biết thế nào, Ah, mà sao mấy cái đồ Pioneer Exclusive nó đắt và nhiều audiophile máu thế nhỉ? Cám ơn bác!
Tôi từng xài C-90 và M-72 đây. Cảm nhận chung là thế này: tiếng chi tiết, mềm mại. Tuy vậy, thiếu cá tính để xứng đáng với dòng chữ Reference. Phần phono của pre thì chưa xài dù cũng thấy review là thuộc diện hay. Có điểm không thích là pre C-90 có quá nhiều nút và chức năng. Giá cả: để ý trên mạng nước ngoài vẫn thấy xuất hiện. Trong tầm $200-400.