Em biết trước là khi mở ra cái TOPIC mới này , một là được các anh em từ Bắc vô Nam ủng hộ nhiệt tình , hai là không ai hết , vì cái tham vọng của em , nó bắt nguồn từ niềm đam mê máy móc , sẽ làm cho các bác nào buôn bán hàng Nội Địa ghét em ghê gớm (em đoán thế) , có gì không phải xin các bác bỏ qua ! Em vào đề luôn : - Các đời âm ly nội địa nổi tiếng hiện có trên thị trường : - Pioneer 7800 II , 7800 , 89OO II , 8800II ... - Sansui AU - D607,AU - D707,AU - D907 , AU - 666 ... - Marantz PM 74D , 54DS , PM 80 , 94D.... - DENON pm950 , pm970 , 980 .... Em biết 1 số món chính trong tầm Mid-End như vậy, khoảng 4T đổ xuống.. Vậy các bác nào đã chơi qua những món này , xin kể chi tiết về nó ( chất âm thế nào , phù hợp với loa giấy hay carbon , Sò bên trong tên hiệu thế nào , gía cả bao nhiêu thì mua được(tùy mới cũ), con nào hay bị bệnh gì , con nào bền , con nào kém bền .... Điều này chắc cũng rất khó khăn cho các bác khi phải kể chi tiết về nó , nhưng em nghĩ lại rất hay cho 1 số người mói tập chơi như em , những người chưa có nhiều tiền mua hàng thùng và cũng không có nhiều kinh nghiệm khi đi mua hàng secondhand(dễ bị lừa đểu) .... Tiện đây em cũng xin phổ biến hình ruột 1 số em ...
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Ngoài Audio ra em còn mê cả súng ống , trước nghiên cứu nhiều về các loại súng thế giới em có 1 tìm được 1 kho của bọn Talibăng , thông tin tìm còn dễ hơn tìm Âm Ly Loa Đài ví dụ như khẳu Dragunov lừng danh của Nga : http://www.world.guns.ru/sniper/sn18-e.htm Khẩu Sạc Gân Jackhammer của Mỹ: http://world.guns.ru/shotgun/sh10-e.htm
Chào bác! Mình cũng mê "hàng nóng" lém, nhưng không đưa lên. Mếu bác cũng mê, hôm nào ghé nhà mình "nghe" thử. Hàng của mình mà bò tót, heo rừng nghe tiếng hót cũng phải ngã vật ra phê đấy! :twisted: Vì mình thích đủ thứ mà! :lol: Thân/TDT
Chủ đề của bác Death nêu ra rất thiết thực cho anh em mới chơi và kinh phí còn hạn hẹp. Vậy mà chẳng được bác nào hoan nghênh, hưởng ứng cả, lại bị chuyển sang chủ đề về súng ống...chậc...chậc... Thôi thì em xin được mở màn, hi vọng sẽ có nhiều thông tin của các bác update lên hơn nữa và phần nào giúp được anh em. Vì em có dùng đến 3 chú Amply dòng Sansui : D707 ; D607X Decade ; Alpha607DR . Đặc điểm chung của mấy con Sansui này đều khỏe như trâu, đánh loa ra tiếng căng, mạnh, chạy ổn định và ít bệnh tật. Khá phù hợp với dòng nhạc mạnh và loa Nhật. - Sansui D707 - 230W, ra đời năm 1978, chạy 4 sò sắt, nặng cỡ 20kg, hình thức to, chất tiếng rất khỏe, cứng, chỉ phù hợp với Rock, còn nghe nhạc trữ tình thì hơi chói, giá thị trường khoảng 1,3M - 1,5M (nguyên bản, và phụ thuộc vào độ mới). - Sansui D607X Decade - 230W, ra đời năm 1984, chạy 8 sò than, nặng khoảng 12kg, hình thức ưa nhìn hơn D707, vì chạy sò than nên em này cho chất tiếng mềm mại hơn, giá thị trường khoảng 1,8M - 2,1M (nguyên bản, và phụ thuộc vào độ mới). - Sansui Alpha607DR - 250W, ra đời năm 1991, chạy 8 sò than, nặng khoảng 18kg, hình thức tân thời hơn 2 em kia, chất tiếng khá mềm mại, ngọt ngào và tinh tế, giá thị trường khoảng 2,8M - 3,1M (Em này ít có hàng hơn 2 em kia, có thể nói là hơi hiếm).
Em tham gia với Bác dòng SANSUI đây,nhưng các dòng này Bác đưa ra hơi cổ, hiện nay giá khoảng 4M Bác có thể mua được SANSUI607XR mặt đen giá 3.7M SANSUI AU-D607 \ 69,800 (around 1979) The DC pre- main amplifier which ascertains the essence of the audio amplifier, music playback, loads the diamond differential circuit. We have become the design which furthermore improves amplifier section DC conversion, the [ikoraiza] section, the flat amplifier section and the power amplifier section are made the DC amplifier constitution where all dynamic characteristics are superior. Furthermore, input of all the block steps makes the push pull input circuit with all FET input, has become the direct couple system which removes the input condenser of all the block steps. Because of this, the primary factor of sound quality deterioration such as phase revolution of the limits which occur by the fact that the condenser enters into signal route is gone low, actualizes the pure transmission and wide range conversion of the music signal. The diamond differential circuit is loaded onto the power amplifier section. As for circuit constitution, the fixed electric current attaching differential circuit of the dual FET use which in the first level can let flow heavy-current with [ro] noise quality, the diamond differential circuit by the 2nd cascode bootstrap in step is adopted respectively. As and, NM where the linearity is good (Non Magnetic) the transistor is used to power stage, the whole circuit consists of the symmetrical symmetrical circuit, because it becomes the 2pole phase compensation circuit, the waveform transmission where the strain is little is actualized to the high frequency territory. As for circuit constitution of the equalizer amplifier section, with the direct couple system which removes the input condenser which becomes cause of sound quality deterioration, stability to be high [ro] noise, uses the dual FET of high gm to the first level, the differential 2 step and push pull drive and the pure [kon] SEPP output with the current mirror attaching electric current differential motion has become. In addition, the styrol condenser where metal membrane resistance and capacity error of high accuracy are little in the [ikoraiza] element of the NF circuit, are superior in temperature characteristic is adopted. The direct couple system which removes the input condenser where either the flat amplifier section sound quality is not effective is adopted. As for the first level [ro] noise, with cascode connection and the current source attaching differential amplification which use the dual FET of high gm, 2nd as for step we have become 8 stone constitution of current mirror attaching electric current differential push pull circuit adoption, same as the DC power amplifier section, it has become the constitution where the open loop quality which assures the decrease of the TIM strain is superior. In addition, when it makes tone on, it changes to the NF type tone amplifier from the flat amplifier, it is gentle and you can obtain the tone control quality where the strain is little. The power source section makes 2 power trances, adopts left and right complete stand alone mode. In addition, by the fact that the electrolytic condenser and the [metaraizudo] film condenser of 12,000μF×4 are used to super high pass impedance quality is achieved low from the ultralow limits. MC head amplifier is loaded. The loudness switch, the sub sonic filter, the [tondehuito] switch and balance control are loaded. Tape play function and the tape copy becoming independent, does, furthermore also it is possible when recording to remove the signal of the tuner independently. For example, while inquiring about the record, air check and the like is possible. As for speaker output, 2 systematic connections of OFF, A, B and A+B are possible. The extra AC electrical outlet 3 circuit (the gearing 1 circuits 100W and the non-interlocking 2 circuit 250W), the ground terminal is loaded. It is possible to separate pre- with power. Rating of type Type Wide range DC pre- main amplifier < Power amplifier section > Effective output (10Hz~20kHz and THD 0.008%, 8Ω) 70W+70W Effective output (1kHz and THD 0.003%, 8Ω) 70W+70W All the harmonic distortion factors (at the time of 10Hz~20kHz and effective output, 8Ω) 0.008% or less Cross modulation distortion factor (70Hz: 7kHz=4: 1) 0.008% or less Output bandwidth (IHF, both ch operation, 1kHz and 8Ω) 5Hz~70kHz Damping factor (IHF, both ch operation, 1kHz and 8Ω) 100 Frequency characteristic DC~400kHz, +0 -3dB Input sensitivity/input impedance (1kHz) 1V/47kΩ SN ratio (IHF and A network, short circuit) Above 125dB Channel separation (IHF and 1kHz) Above 90dB Rise time 0.5μsec Through late ±160V/μsec < Pre-amp section > Input sensitivity/input impedance (1kHz) Phono-1 MM: 2.5mV/47kΩ Phono-2 MC exclusive use: 0.1mV/100Ω AUX, Tuner and Tape Play 1 and 2 (PIN): 150mV/47kΩ MC conformity impedance Below 100Ω Phono maximum permissible input (1kHz and THD 0.01% (MM) 0.03% (MC)) Phono MM: 300mV Phono MC: 15mV Output voltage (1kHz) Tape Rec 1 and 2 (at the time of PIN and 47kΩ): 150mV Pre Out (at the time of 47kΩ): 1V Max Pre Out (THD 0.05%, at the time of 47kΩ): 4V Output impedance (1kHz) Tape Rec 1 and 2: Below 600Ω All the harmonic distortion factors Phono MC (1kHz and 6V): 0.01% or less Phono MM (20Hz~20kHz and 6V): 0.005% or less AUX, Tuner and Tape Play 1 and 2 (20Hz~20kHz and 1V): 0.005% or less Cross modulation distortion factor (70Hz: 7kHz=4: 1) AUX, Tuner and Tape Play 1 and 2 (1V): 0.005% or less Frequency characteristic RIAA deviation (Phono 1 and 2, 20Hz~20kHz): ±0.2dB AUX, Tuner and Tape Play 1 and 2: 5Hz~100kHz, +0 -1dB SN ratio (IHF and A network, short circuit) Phono MC (input conversion): - 152dBV Phono MM: Above 88dB AUX, Tuner and Tape Play 1 and 2: Above 100dB Channel separation (IHF and 1kHz) Phono MC: Above 70dB Phono MM: Above 70dB AUX, Tuner and Tape Play 1 and 2: Above 75dB During inputting separation (input short circuit and 1kHz) Tuner⇔Phono MM: Above 90dB Tape Play 1, 2⇔Phono MM: Above 90dB Tuner⇔Tape Play 1 and 2: Above 90dB Above Tape Play 1⇔Tape Play 2:90 dB Tone control Bass: ±10dB (50Hz) Treble: ±10dB (15kHz) Sub sonic filter 16Hz (- 3dB and 6dB/oct) Loudness (volume -30dB time) +10dB (50Hz) +4dB (10kHz) Headphone terminal output 85mW (8Ω) < Synthesis > Load impedance 4~16Ω Rated electric power consumption (electric supplies control method) 195W External size Width 430× height 168× depth 390mm At the time of rack-mounted adapter installing: Width 482× depth 418mm Weight 15.5kg At the time of rack-mounted adapter installing: 16kg Remark Selling separately: Rack-mounted adapter BX-7 (1 groups, \ 3,000) SANSUI AU-D707 \ 95,000 (around 1979) The diamond operation circuit was loaded onto also the [ikoraiza] section, DC pre- main amplifier of 3DC amplifier constitution. The [ikoraiza] section, the flat amplifier/tone amplifier section and each power amplifier section with DC amplifier constitution, have adopted the direct couple system which banishes the input condenser of all the block steps. Straight with DC amplifier constitution, pure transmission of the music signal the wide range conversion which it is thorough is assured. As for input of all the block steps, with FET input of [ro] noise high gm quality full push pull input circuit. In addition, also each block step has made the harmful dynamic strain decrease substantially with object circuit constitution. The power amplifier section has followed the circuit constitution of AU-D907. In other words, in the first level it is superior in [ro] noise quality and it makes the drive ability of the pre- drive step more powerful the fixed electric current attaching operation circuit of the dual FET use which can let flow heavy-current, 2nd in step the dual which improves dynamic characteristic by the diamond differential circuit due to complimentarily. In addition, NM which is superior in the linearity of [sansui] custom (Non Magnetic) we used the transistor to power stage, dynamic characteristic was good, was superior even sound quality it has made symmetrical circuit constitution. MC head amplifier has become complete symmetrical type push pull constitution of the efficiency which is stabilized even in transient input. In the first level the P channel which is selected, the [ro] noise transistor by N channel combination is used, individual symmetrical symmetrical circuit constitution actualizes the improvement of dynamic characteristic. The equalizer amplifier adopts the direct couple system which removes the input condenser which causes sound quality obstruction loads the diamond differential circuit. As for the first level the [ro] noise which expects perfection in stability, the difference input and the cascode bootstrap + fixed current circuit attaching of high gm and dual FET use, 2nd as for step, diamond differential circuit + electric current differential push pull, as for the output step it has become the constitution, SEPP circuit due to Darlington connection. The flat/tone amplifier has become DC amplifier constitution of the direct couple system which removes the input condenser. As for the first level [ro] noise, the cascode connection which uses the dual FET of high gm, in the fixed electric current attaching differential circuit, 2nd as for step the current mirror attaching electric current differential push pull circuit, as for the output step with the SEPP constitution with 2 step Darlington connections, decrease of the TIM strain is assured. In addition, as for the tone control circuit with the CR type whose variable quality is good, coupled with the tone selector, gentle quality is obtained. At the time of jump switch use, as for the signal the flat amplifier jumping, it enters into the power section directly. EI trance is adopted to the power source section. As for supply to the power amplifier section the private 2 coil which frees the left channel and the right channel completely, 2 rectification circuits are adopted, the bulk electrolytic condenser (15,000μF×4), [metaraizudokondensa] is used. In addition, to the pre-amp section as the voltage stabilizer by another private coil is adopted, occurrence of the TIM strain and the envelope strain is held down, consideration is made the element which is connected to sound quality improvement such as improvement of resolving power. If 2 systematic connections of OFF, A, B and A+B being possible, you use speaker system, with the A system, you connect to the DC power amplifier step and direct at shortest distance via the speaker Change-over Switch, you can obtain the sound quality whose quality is high. The sub sonic filter (16Hz, - 3dB and 6dB/oct), the loudness switch and the tone jump switch, balance control, 2 circuit tape play/copy function are loaded. Extra AC electrical outlet 3 circuit (gearing 1 circuits 100W and non-interlocking 2 circuit 250W) Ground terminal loading Pre-, power separating possibility Rating of type Type Wide range DC pre- main amplifier < Power amplifier section > Effective output (10Hz~20kHz and THD 0.008%, 8Ω) 90W+90W Effective output (1kHz and THD 0.003%, 8Ω) 90W+90W All the harmonic distortion factors (at the time of 10Hz~20kHz and effective output, 8Ω) 0.008% or less Cross modulation distortion factor (70Hz: 7kHz=4: 1) 0.008% or less Output bandwidth (IHF, both ch operation, 1kHz and 8Ω) 3Hz~70kHz Damping factor (IHF, both ch operation, 1kHz and 8Ω) 100 Frequency characteristic DC~500kHz, +0 -3dB Input sensitivity/input impedance (1kHz) 1V/47kΩ SN ratio (IHF and A network, short circuit) Above 125dB Channel separation (IHF and 1kHz) Above 90dB Rise time 0.5μsec Through late ±200V/μsec < Pre-amp section > Input sensitivity/input impedance (1kHz) Phono-1 MM: 2.5mV/47kΩ Phono-1 MC: 0.1mV/100Ω Phono-2 MM: 2.5mV/47kΩ AUX, Tuner and Tape Play 1 and 2 (PIN): 150mV/47kΩ MC conformity impedance Below 100Ω Phono maximum permissible input (1kHz and THD 0.01% (MM) 0.03% (MC)) Phono MM: 350mV Phono MC: 30mV Output voltage (1kHz) Tape Rec 1 and 2 (at the time of PIN and 47kΩ): 150mV Pre Out (at the time of 47kΩ): 1V Max Pre Out (THD 0.05%, at the time of 47kΩ): 4V Output impedance (1kHz) Tape Rec 1 and 2: Below 600Ω All the harmonic distortion factors Phono MC (1kHz and 6V): 0.01% or less Phono MM (20Hz~20kHz and 6V): 0.005% or less AUX, Tuner and Tape Play 1 and 2 (20Hz~20kHz and 1V): 0.005% or less Cross modulation distortion factor (70Hz: 7kHz=4: 1) AUX, Tuner and Tape Play 1 and 2 (1V): 0.005% or less Frequency characteristic RIAA deviation (Phono 1 and 2, 20Hz~20kHz): ±0.2dB AUX, Tuner and Tape Play 1 and 2: 5Hz~100kHz, +0 -1dB SN ratio (IHF and A network, short circuit) Phono MC (input conversion): - 154dBV Phono MM: Above 90dB AUX, Tuner and Tape Play 1 and 2: Above 100dB Channel separation (IHF and 1kHz) Phono MC: Above 70dB Phono MM: Above 70dB AUX, Tuner and Tape Play 1 and 2: Above 80dB During inputting separation (input short circuit and 1kHz) Tuner⇔Phono MM: Above 90dB Tape Play 1, 2⇔Phono MM: Above 90dB Tuner⇔Tape Play 1 and 2: Above 90dB Above Tape Play 1⇔Tape Play 2:100 dB Tone control Bass: ±6dB (50Hz) Tone selector (turn over frequency): 300Hz and 150Hz Treble: ±6dB (15kHz) Tone selector (turn over frequency): 6kHz and 3kHz Sub sonic filter 16Hz (- 3dB and 6dB/oct) Loudness (volume -30dB time) +10dB (50Hz) +4dB (10kHz) Headphone terminal output 120mW (8Ω) < Synthesis > Load impedance 4~16Ω Rated electric power consumption (electric supplies control method) 230W External size Width 430× height 168× depth 428mm At the time of rack-mounted adapter installing: Width 482× depth 455mm Weight 20.1kg At the time of rack-mounted adapter installing: 20.6kg Remark Selling separately: Rack-mounted adapter BX-7 (1 groups, \ 3,000) SANSUI AU-D907 \ 142,000 (around 1979) With the goal of the music playback which lives, the DC pre- main amplifier which loads the [sansui] individual diamond operation circuit which overtakes the improvement of the dynamic strain. The [ikoraiza] section, the flat amplifier/it has made DC amplifier constitution of the push pull output to which each of them of the tone control section or the power amplifier sections improves naked quality. Furthermore, for sound quality pursuit, the input condenser of all the block steps is removed, the direct couple system due to all stage FET input is adopted, pure transmission and wide range conversion of the music signal are assured. FET which is used all [ro] noises, chooses those of high gm quality, adds, also each block step with symmetrical symmetrical circuit constitution, makes the harmful TIM strain and the [enberobu] strain decrease substantially, assures the improvement of the sound quality. The power amplifier section has become the drive circuit due to power stage and 3 step expansion constitution. As for the first level the fixed electric current attaching operation circuit of the dual FET use which can let flow heavy-current with [ro] noise, as for the 2nd step pre- drive step the dual which held down the occurrence of the TIM strain in powerful drive ability the diamond operation circuit due to complimentarily (PAT.PEND), 3rd step has become the electric current operation push pull circuit. Last power stage NM of [sansui] custom (Non Magnetic) uses the transistor, the whole circuit consists the symmetrical symmetrical circuit. MC head amplifier section, in the object circuit due to the push pull input/output circuit of [sansuiorijinaru], has become direct couple system. The first level [ro] noise of new development, the new model FET due to the many para connection of N channel combination the P channel by high gm, uses, in addition, with left and right channel independent source supply, from minuteness input to transient large input the operation which is stabilized actualizes. Furthermore, object circuit constitution has improved dynamic characteristic substantially. The equalizer amplifier, with the direct couple system which removes the input condenser which exerts influence on the sound quality, furthermore has loaded the diamond operation circuit. As for the first level [ro] noise, the operation input circuit of high gm and dual FET use, with the cascode bootstrap + fixed current circuit attaching, as for the 2~3 step eye diamond operation circuit + electric current operation push pull, as for the output step sufficient electric current room, low power output impedance is actualized in the SEPP circuit due to Darlington connection. In addition, object shape circuit constitution has improved the dynamic strain substantially. Also the flat/tone amplifier has become DC amplifier constitution of direct couple system. As for the first level [ro] noise, the cascode connection which uses the dual FET of high gm, in the current source attaching operation circuit, 2nd as for step the current mirror attaching electric current operation push pull circuit is adopted. Same as the DC power amplifier section, it has become the constitution where the open loop quality which assures the decrease of the TIM strain is superior. In addition, also it is possible from the equalizer amplifier to jump directly to the power section due to the jump switch. 2 coils which free the left and right channel of power stage to power source supply to the power amplifier section, the high regulation large-sized toroidal trance due to 2 rectification circuits is used. In the pre- drive step you adopt the left and right channel independent 2 power source system due to EI trance, together have become 4 power source systems. In addition, it is independent supplying from MC head amplifier section with stabilization power source to the DC flat amplifier section. Direct speaker output terminal. As for speaker system, 2 systematic connections of OFF, A, B and A+B are possible. Especially as for the A system it is connected to direct at the DC power amplifier step and shortest distance via the Change-over Switch. The sub sonic filter (16Hz, - 3dB and 6dB/oct), audio muting (- 20dB), the tone jump switch, balance control, 2 circuit tape play/copy function and function of the indicator attaching input selector and the like are loaded. The Phono input terminal has become the gold-plating finish. With the pre- main separating, the pre-amp section and the power amplifier section are respective independent enabled. The extra AC electrical outlet 3 circuit (consecutively 1 circuits 100W and the non-interlocking 2 circuit 250W) Ground terminal Rating of type Type Wide range DC pre- main amplifier < Power amplifier section > Effective output (10Hz~20kHz and THD 0.008%, 8Ω) 100W+100W Effective output (1kHz and THD 0.003%, 8Ω) 100W+100W All the harmonic distortion factors (at the time of 10Hz~20kHz and effective output, 8Ω) 0.008% or less Cross modulation distortion factor (70Hz: 7kHz=4: 1) 0.008% or less Output bandwidth (IHF, both ch operation, 1kHz and 8Ω) 3Hz~70kHz Damping factor (IHF, both ch operation, 1kHz and 8Ω) 100 Frequency characteristic DC~500kHz, +0 -3dB Input sensitivity/input impedance (1kHz) 1V/47kΩ SN ratio (IHF and A network, short circuit) Above 125dB Channel separation (IHF and 1kHz) Above 95dB Rise time 0.5μsec Through late ±200V/μsec < Pre-amp section > Input sensitivity/input impedance (1kHz) Phono-1 MM: 2.5mV/47kΩ Phono-1 MC: 0.1mV/100Ω Phono-2 MM: 2.5mV/47kΩ AUX, Tuner and Tape Play 1 and 2 (PIN): 150mV/47kΩ MC conformity impedance Below 100Ω Phono maximum permissible input (1kHz and THD 0.01% (MM) 0.03% (MC)) Phono MM: 350mV Phono MC: 30mV Output voltage (1kHz) Tape Rec 1 and 2 (at the time of PIN and 47kΩ): 150mV Pre Out (at the time of 47kΩ): 1V Max Pre Out (THD 0.05%, at the time of 47kΩ): 4V Output impedance (1kHz) Tape Rec 1 and 2: Below 600Ω All the harmonic distortion factors Phono MC (1kHz and 6V): 0.005% or less Phono MM (20Hz~20kHz and 6V): 0.005% or less AUX, Tuner and Tape Play 1 and 2 (20Hz~20kHz and 1V): 0.005% or less Cross modulation distortion factor (70Hz: 7kHz=4: 1) AUX, Tuner and Tape Play 1 and 2 (1V): 0.005% or less Frequency characteristic RIAA deviation (Phono 1 and 2, 20Hz~20kHz): ±0.2dB AUX, Tuner and Tape Play 1 and 2: 5Hz~100kHz, +0 -1dB SN ratio (IHF and A network, short circuit) Phono MC (input conversion): - 154dBV Phono MM: Above 90dB AUX, Tuner and Tape Play 1 and 2: Above 100dB Channel separation (IHF and 1kHz) Phono MC: Above 70dB Phono MM: Above 75dB AUX, Tuner and Tape Play 1 and 2: Above 80dB During inputting separation (input short circuit and 1kHz) Tuner⇔Phono MM: Above 90dB Tape Play 1, 2⇔Phono MM: Above 90dB Tuner⇔Tape Play 1 and 2: Above 90dB Above Tape Play 1⇔Tape Play 2:100 dB Tone control Bass: ±6dB (50Hz) Tone selector (turn over frequency): 300Hz and 150Hz Treble: ±6dB (15kHz) Tone selector (turn over frequency): 6kHz and 3kHz Sub sonic filter 16Hz (- 3dB and 6dB/oct) Headphone terminal output 120mW (8Ω) < Synthesis > Load impedance 4~16Ω Rated electric power consumption (electric supplies control method) 250W External size Width 430× height 168× depth 428mm At the time of rack-mounted adapter installing: Width 482× depth 455mm Weight 20.8kg At the time of rack-mounted adapter installing: 21.2kg SANSUI AU-666 \ 52,800 (1970 May sale) The sound quality and function, developmental characteristic from the first, functional beauty overtaking the connection of speaker system with the design which overflows, the pre- main amplifier which is borne. The main amplifier section the output condenser which uses PNP and NPN for also 2 difference in level dynamic amplifiers and the output transistor has become perfection direct connection and the complete [konpurimentari] Darlington circuitry less due to plus 2 power source. Because of this, equal NF depends from the direct current limits on audio all, the damping factor, output characteristics become fixed to the ultralow limits, [abare] in the ultralow limits of the speaker is decreased sharply, the amplifier and the speaker the cross modulation strain has decreased. In addition, because the strain component is denied by the combination of PNP and NPN also the strain of the amplifier itself is low held down. Especially low noise which is sorted silicon transistor will be done in the pre-amp section doing, noise is made small to the limit. The phase distortion to be large to the coupling condenser because the electrolytic condenser whose transmission characteristic is bad is not used, making the condenser high making use of the directly connected circuit to the utmost, the Mylar condenser is used. In addition, electrolysis by any means uses Mylar type in parallel in the part which is necessary, has improved high pass quality. Also the adjustment of Midrange has loaded possible triple tone control in addition to Bass and Treble. Because left and right you can adjust separately, more accurate revision of the program and room acoustic has become possible. Separating the pre-amp section and the main amplifier section, also it is possible to use. A, speaker output of 2 systems of B is loaded. Furthermore the differential amplifier stabilization circuit which is stabilized the differential amplifier is adopted to the private transistor and 2 difference in level dynamic amplifiers, in the one for temperature guarantee. In addition, using 6 these hasty conclusion fuses, it protects perfectly even with when it is 10,001. We acquire the ripple filter circuit which becomes independent respectively to plus with 0 power source, and pre-amp power source of main amplifier, have been stabilized power source. The low filter and the high filter of NF type, loudness control, the tape monitor circuit, the headphone jack, the muting switch and the microphone input jack etc are loaded. Rating of type Type Stereo pre- main amplifier < Main amplifier section > Rated output Music power (IHF): 100W (4Ω) 80W (8Ω) Effective output: 45/45W (4Ω) 35/35W (8Ω) All the harmonic distortion factors 0.5% or less (rated output) Cross modulation distortion factor (SMPTE and 60Hz: 7kHz=4: 1) 0.5% or less (rated output) Power [bandouizu] (IHF) 10Hz~40000Hz (8Ω) Frequency characteristic 10Hz~70000Hz and ±1dB Channel separation Above 60dB (1kHz and rated output) Ham and noise (IHF) Above 100dB Input sensitivity/impedance 1V (rated output) above /50kΩ Load impedance 4Ω~16Ω Damping factor 40 (8Ω load) < Pre-amp section > Output voltage Installed capacity: 5V Rated output: 1V All the harmonic distortion factors 0.1% or less (rated output voltage) Frequency characteristic 20Hz~40000Hz and ±1dB Channel separation Phono1, 2: Above 50dB Tuner and AUX: Above 50dB Ham and noise (IHF) Phono1, 2: Above 70dB Tuner and AUX: Above 80dB Input sensitivity (1kHz and rated output voltage)/impedance Phono1, 2: 2mV/50kΩ MIC: 3mV/50kΩ Tuner: 180mV/100kΩ AUX: 180mV/100kΩ Tape Play (Pin): 180mV/100kΩ Tape Recorder (Din): 180mV/100kΩ Sound recording output Tape Rec (Pin): 180mV Tape Recorder (Din): 30mV [ikoraiza] Phono: RIAA NF type MIC: Flat NF type Control Bass: 30Hz and ±16dB Midrange: 1500Hz and ±5dB Treble: 15000Hz and ±15dB Switch Low filter: 20Hz, - 10dB High filter: 20kHz, - 10dB Muting -20dB < Synthesis > Constitution Transistor: 31 Diode: 5 Power supply voltage 100V and 50Hz/60Hz Electric power consumption 240W External size Width 415× height 127× depth 278mm Weight 9.75kg Nếu cần thêm thông số em SANSUI nào Bác cứ yêu cầu thêm nhé!
Đúng là topic này rất thiết thực đối với nhiều người, tuy biết cái sự chơi cũng phải trả giá học phí nhưng cũng mong các bác đi trước cho nhiều ý kiến để nắm được tình hình giá cả thị trường và lựa chọn phù hợp, tuy rằng chắc sẽ mất lòng không ít anh em kinh doanh. Cũng xin ý kiến của các bác xem làm thế nào để hạn chế giá đồ ngoài thị trường đừng tăng sau khi anh em bình luận món gì đó trên này. Đi quanh chợ giá lên nhanh quá từ Tết ra đến giờ rất nhiều món lên.
Khẩu Jackhammer này em đã từng dùng trong cho chơi Project IGI, nó bắn khủng thật! Không giúp bác đc về phần AMP nên tặng bác cái Link súng ống. http://www.fiestavn.com/Home/ChuDe.asp?TOPIC_ID=38
A ha, Chào Các Bác em đã tìm được thông số mấy con DENON theo yêu cầu của Bác đây DENON PMA-950 \ 150,000 (around 1981) To load the real bias circuit circuit, 2 amplifier constitution of the A class power section and the [ikoraiza] section of high efficiency & high output. All the signal route complete condensers less. Rating of type Type Pre- main amplifier < Power amplifier section > Rated output 80W+80W All the harmonic distortion factors 0.004% Output bandwidth 5Hz~100kHz Output impedance 0.1Ω < Pre-amp section > Input sensitivity/impedance Phono MM1, 2: 2.5mV/47kΩ Phono MC1, 2: 0.125mV/100Ω AUX and etc: 150mV/40kΩ SN ratio MM: 90dB MC: 75dB (at the time of 0.25mV input) Maximum permissible input MM: 170mV/1kHz RIAA deviation 20Hz~100kHz ±0.2dB All the harmonic distortion factors 0.001% < Synthesis > Electric power consumption 265W Power source AC100V 50Hz/60Hz External size Width 470× height 140× depth 410mm Weight 15kg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DENON PMA-970 \ 200,000 (around 1981) Pre- main amplifier of 2 amplifier constitution which throw the technology of POA-3000 and PRA-2000. The real bias circuit is loaded to the power section, [riarutaimuikoraizaanpu] is adopted to the pre- section. To MC input ~SP output complete condenser less all stage DC constitution Rating of type Type Pre- main amplifier < Power amplifier section > Rated output 100W+100W All the harmonic distortion factors 0.003% Output bandwidth 5Hz~100kHz Output impedance 0.08Ω < Pre-amp section > Input sensitivity/impedance Phono MM1, 2: 2.5mV/50kΩ Phono MC: 0.2mV/100Ω AUX and etc: 150mV/40kΩ SN ratio MM: 90dB MC: 75dB (at the time of 0.25mV input) Maximum permissible input MM: 300mV/1kHz RIAA deviation 20Hz~100kHz ±0.2dB All the harmonic distortion factors 0.001% < Synthesis > Electric power consumption 305W Power source AC100V 50Hz/60Hz External size Width 506× height 168× depth 451mm Weight 23kg --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DENON PMA-980 \ 138,000 (around 1986) It corresponds to CD age, throws the design philosophy of the separate amplifier and polishes all circuit and is dense it is the pre- main amplifier which is. The dual super non feedback circuit is loaded in the power amplifier section. This circuit consists the distortion servo circuit to deny the strain mutually with each transistor of the N channel and the P channel of the power step, has become the constitution which does not have the NFB circuit. Because of this, transmission rate of the signal improves by the fact that it is not the NFB loop, holds down the occurrence of the dynamic strain. In addition, not only designating the static strain as zero, because strain removal ability is superior, strain removal is done even to the higher-order distortion factor territory of the super high pass signal. Furthermore, because there is no NFB loop, even at the time of speaker connection because there are no times when influence of the back electromotive force and the like reaches to the voltage amplification step, occurrence of the dynamic strain is held down. Those of Pc130W are adopted to the power transistor, the [parareruputsushiyupuru] complimentary circuit is adopted. All the signal routes are done the complete condenser less (complete DC constitution) with. In addition to the toroidal trance of 390VA, the block capacitor of φ50×100mm (12,000μF×4) the first recovery diode of the + high-speed rectification is adopted to the power source section. Furthermore, stabilization like the left and right independent source is assured with the adoption of balance shape supply of electricity system floating power source of new development. In order to play back the quality of CD as purely as possible, the CD direct input terminal (the gold-plating to finish) it has equipped. As for the CD source it is connected directly by volume at the time of direct switch ON, the signal does not pass by the input selector and the Rec Out switch, etc can be connected to the power amplifier. The wide band equalizer amplifier which connects the differential amplification with [ro] noise FET in the first level to parallel is loaded. Turn over it changes and attaches and loads real time tone control. Rating of type Type Pre- main amplifier < Power amplifier section > Rated output (20Hz~20kHz) 140W+140W (8Ω) 170W+170W (6Ω) Input sensitivity/impedance Tuner input: 150mV/47kΩ All the harmonic distortion factors 0.003% (20Hz~20kHz, 70W and 8Ω) Cross modulation distortion factor 0.002% (140W suitable and 8Ω) Dynamic power 440W/2Ω TIM strain Below measurement limiting value Through late Above ±350V/μsec Output bandwidth 5Hz~80kHz (70W, 0.02%, 8Ω) Frequency characteristic 1Hz~250kHz, +0 -3dB (1W and 8Ω) Output impedance Below 0.1Ω Output terminal Speaker: AorB: 6~16Ω and A+B: 12~16Ω Headphone jack installed capacity: 550mW (8Ω), 8~400Ω conformity < Pre-amp section > Input sensitivity/impedance Phono MM: 2.5mV/47kΩ Phono MC (High): 0.25mV/100Ω Phono MC (Low): 0.125mV/100Ω CD1, 2, CD Direct, Tuner and Tape1, 2: 150mV/47kΩ Installed capacity/rated output 14.5V/150mV (Rec Out) All the harmonic distortion factors 0.001% (Rec Out, 1kHz and 8V) RIAA deviation 20Hz~100kHz±0.2dB (MC MM IN~Rec Out) < Synthesis > SN ratio (input short circuit and auditory sensation weighting A) Phono MM: 90dB (at the time of 2.5mV input) Phono MC: 75dB (at the time of 0.25mV input) Line: 110dB (at the time of 150mV input) Tone control quality Bass: ±8dB (50Hz/100Hz) Treble: ±8dB (10kHz/20kHz) Sub sonic filter 18Hz, - 12dB/oct Loudness control quality 100Hz: +7dB 10kHz: +6dB Electric power consumption (electric supplies control method) 245W Power source AC100V and 50Hz/60Hz External size (the foot, the knob and the terminal etc are included) Width 470× height 167× depth 446mm Weight 16.3kg Em sẽ cố tìm thêm nhiều thông tin nữa để anh em minh tiện tra cứu. Chúc Các Bác mạnh khoẻ!
Chào Bác, Đa số thông tin anh em ta tìm toàn là tiếng nhật vì mình xài đồ cũ mà do đó cần phải có một bước dịch từ tiếng nhật sang tiếng anh. 1.Bác vô google tìm "google toolbar" và download về máy. 2.Cài đặt "google toolbar" 3.Khi cài đặt xong nó sẽ hiển thị luôn trên thanh công cụ của internet explorer. Bác cần gì cứ vào đây tìm. 4.Khi tìm bằng thứ này cạnh thông tin tìm được sẽ có hiển thị thêm dòng "translate this page". Bác click vào nó sẽ dịch hộ cho anh em mình! Vài dòng gửi Bác. Nếu có gì trục trặc thì ới để em nghiên cứu lại nhé! Thân chào Bác!
to Thichduthu : tiếc là em ở Lâm Đồng chứ không thì ghé nhà bác chơi cho biết , vì thấy bác cũng chịu chơi thiệt ... ( từ bé chí lớn em chưa được nghe TANNOY bao giờ ..) to audioenjoy : K54 và K59 em không rành , nhưng HandGun thì có cả 1 lô thế giới nó chơi : http://www.world.guns.ru/handguns/hg00-e.htm Audio INFO Mấy cái link này em đã post bên audiovnclub , nay post lại bên đây cho anh em nào chưa biết thì vô , rất hay , nhưng cũng còn thiếu nhiều : Loa Onkyo các loại :http://www11.plala.or.jp/se_ke5583/ONKYO/speaker/ Loa JBL các loại http://www11.plala.or.jp/se_ke5583/JBL/ ... index.html Loa Pioneer các loại http://www11.plala.or.jp/teikakakucosme ... index.html Amp DENON các loại http://www11.plala.or.jp/se_ke5583/DENON/amp/index.html Amp SANSUI các loại http://www11.plala.or.jp/se_ke5583/SANS ... index.html Main : http://www11.plala.or.jp/se_ke5583/index.html Hình ruột AMP các loại ( nhớ mứt hoa quả các loại của Gạt tàn Đầy ) :mrgreen: SANSUI http://amp8.com/sansui/sansui.htm DENON http://amp8.com/tr-amp/denon/denon.htm MARANTZ http://amp8.com/tr-amp/marantz/marantz.htm Thân chào các đồng chí anh em , hãy tiếp tục mổ ruột amply và loa cho mọi ngượi xem nhé kèm theo giá cả càng tốt.........