dòng loa focal này nghe rất hay đấy bác chủ ạ, bác chủ có thể ghép với AMP của Jadis, goldmund, sugden... đầu CD của Micromega ( nếu được CD transport và DA) thì càng tốt
Bác ấy hỏi thế cũng có lý đấy chứ. Chẳng hạn loa bác ý dùng chỉ 1000USD trong khi các bác toàn giới thiệu đồ đánh đắt tiền gấp mấy lần thì bác chủ chẳng chạy mất dép!
Nếu là loa Focal in ít tiền thì bác chơi thử cdp, amp của hãng Naim (cũng loại in ít tiền thôi) xem sao, bác sẽ thấy bất ngờ ngay. Tôi cũng đang dùng cấu hình này và thấy hợp lý.
Một cặp Chorus V với một cặp Utopia BE chắc đồ đánh cũng khác nhau kha khá các bác nhỉ. Ông bạn em có cặp Profile 9xx (em ko nhớ chính xác) đánh với pre-pow hybrid Vincent nghe cũng mê lắm, nhưng giá cả bộ lên hơn 10k em chạy mất dép )
Bác nói chung chung quá mà ko nêu rõ loa model, em có ví dụ: "04-04-07: Readargos I have the Electra 915s, and I also listen mostly to classical. These are unusually transparent speakers at the price range, so good equipment and proper toe-in are helpful to avoid sounding hard. I have paired them with Rotel and PS Audio's HCA-2/PCA, but my favorite combinations have been Musical Fidelity and the BAT VK60 tube amp. Like the speakers, the MF gear is more transparent than usual in its price range. Some of the older MF gear was a bit soft in the bass (like the original A3 series), but their newer equipment fairs better. All the MF gear I've heard has airy treble, not harsh, which is a good match for JM's inverted dome tweeter. The older MF gear has a more upfront presentation, though I have read the current lineup is slightly darker and more laid back. The BAT tube amp had a more full-bodied sound, with plenty of current for the 915s, which have a tough impedence dip. The VK60 avoids syrupy euphony while still retaining tube gear's richer harmonics and more palpable rendering of space with only a slight sacrifice in very low bass authority. The 920s have a more friendly sensitivity and do not have quite as bad an impedence dip. The BAT is a big tube amp, however, and can heat a listening room in the summer. Some of the new tube integrateds from Cayin or Prima Luna may deliver enough current for all but head-banging levels. Based on prior experience, though not heard with the 915, I think Krell would also be a good match. Krell has a slightly dark sound in the treble, like BAT, giving a more relaxed presentation. The KAV 300iL or 400ix are two excellent, high-powered integrateds. They have plenty of power, and will control the woofers without complaint. Toe-in is also important. Less toe-in reduces treble energy. Fortunately, the JMs are a wide-dispersion design and do not require heavy toe-in for good center fill. Make no mistake, the 920s are large speakers, and can use a large space for the bass to blossom fully enough to match the top and. I spent more time than usual getting the 915s positioned, but they are capable of disappearing sonically with good electronics and adequately sized room. My room is approximately 12x17 with a 9-foot ceiling." Vậy là có nhiều loại amp oánh được hiệu loa của bác nhé, bác chuẩn bị tiền thôi ... Bác nghe thử coi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OanhDplq33I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EUJBqPf ... re=related và còn nhiều nữa ...