Em nhặt được cái này, có đề cập chút về loại bóng: :mrgreen: With the exception of a vintage 50W Class A Accuphase amp, which not only had fantastic grip on the drivers but also resulted in a great tone, I found that solid state amps I tried with the Golds were not to my liking. I tried Krell, different McIntosh units -- old and new, autoformer and direct-coupled, tried several chip amps of varying design and power rating, etc. I did not try the Quads (50 or 50/E) that are mentioned above but heard they were a very good match for the Golds and HPDs also. With tubes it was a different story. I've seen people drive these speakers with a SE 300B or a 2A3. I tried it, as I have such an amp in my other system. I personally found the results unsatisfying as far as grip goes, i.e. the bass was uncontrolled, mushy, and thus distracting. Push-pull designs rated at 15-40W/ch worked MUCH better IMO. I had a chance to hear MC30s, a custom pair of 6L6 monos, all my vintage Scotts and Dynacos, and, most recently, Manley Mahi monos. The Mahis were absolute killer. The funny thing is that my Scott 299A, albeit completely rebuilt with good parts, is not that far behind; it's good enough for me to get completely immersed in music, and wonder after the listening session if I need all my other gear (ahem)... Yes, it does not give as spacious a presentation, perhaps is not as detailed, etc. -- whatever! -- the point is that the combination also provides that edge-of-the seat emotional involvement in music, and is nothing near dull or lacking control . I am not sure if there is any pattern to it, but of all this, EL84 push-pull amps were the absolute magic to me tonally and had best control over these 15" drivers. It's certainly not the power rating: the Dynaco's, modified and not, while higher rated, could not produce any bass control to speak of. Probably not the tube itself either, but I did hear from several other Tannoy Gold users a preference for the EL84/6BQ5 push-pull amps as well. That said, obviously a lot of folks have great success with McIntosh tube units to drive their Golds. I liked the MC30s on my Tannoys very much, too... I have also experimented with crossover and wiring modifications and found that to make a great difference; changing to a thicker gauge copper wiring all the way from the amp to crossover to the speaker had a significant effect on bass and control. Crossover mods are a bit of a controversy (as in "if you modify them, they are not Tannoys anymore") and are thus a personal thing but the wiring upgrade I'd recommend highly; it does not take much to do, and is easily reversible. Mine are wired with Kimber 4PR (14awg aggregate) all the way through. I am not advocating getting into funky cables at all; it could be zip cord of similar thickness with similar results -- I don't know -- just getting the right gauge for your amp/speaker combination. I'd mention something else that could be affecting things from my experience: system synergy further up the chain. By system synergy in this case I mean a good match between your preamp and the power amp (if you are auditioning power amps, with integrateds you will not have this issue), i.e. make sure there is no impedance mismatch between your preamplifier and the amp that could account for sonic effects you are describing -- dullness and lack of control; just to get that out of the way... I'd try to get a good match with an amp/preamp first and see if you like the speakers more (I bet you will) but maybe in the future you'd also want to mess with the enclosures to reduce their resonances by introducing extra bracing and/or damping... Speaker positioning is also another obvious thing but in my experience I found my big Tannoys not too fussy about placement. There's a great deal of information on all things Tannoy here. Hope this is of some help! One thing's for sure: once you stumble on a combination of things that wroks well, you'll fall in love with those speakers!
Bác nói sao chứ, cách đây khoảng 1 tháng em có lụm được con Pow Accu P-250 nghe chưa có Pre với cặp loa Macintos thì với lỗ tai trâu của em cũng đã phê lịm người rùi, mà con Pow đó có tầm 7T thui, hic
Bác nói vậy em lại lăn tăn rồi. Trước đã định làm 1 con amp đèn (tích hợp) cho đơn giản, giảm bớt dây rợ đấu nối. Bây giờ nghe thấy pow ngon bổ rẻ lại giật mình "Tại Sao Không"??? :mrgreen: Chẳng biết có pro nào đã từng chơi đèn cả tích hợp lẫn tách rời rề-pâu cho em ý kiến cái nhỉ.
Em post tý "khoai tây" về 845: It´s my first pair of 845 amp´s and before i bougth them i god told by "experiend" hifi people, that the 845 was a rough sounding tube, and that i would miss the sweet tone of the 300b´s that i had before, but in my opnion they have a nice sound, not at all rough, but controlled and with excellent bass , but - it all depends on witch tube brands you have installed - i use Chinese Shuguang 845c metal plates and TJ Full Music 300B ( mesh plate , keramic base and gold pins) Sylvania vt229, and raytheon 6sn7, and it works quite well togther,
Nếu dùng push-pull thì chọn loại bóng nào các bác nhỉ: - 300B - 2A3 - 845 - EL84 - EL34 - KT88 - 6550 ...