Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Beyma vs. Nirvana và phần còn lại của TG

Discussion in 'Loa' started by DIY-lover, 13/11/10.

  1. DIY-lover

    DIY-lover Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    TBG - HCMC
    Re: Hi-end Loudspeakers: Hoàn thiện thiết kế phân tần: Page 5

    Biết đâu cao hứng Bác lại đóng cặp xịn hơn không chừng :mrgreen: , lúc đó nhớ tặng lại Em cái loa bên phải nha :)
  2. hailh

    hailh Advanced Member

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    Re: Hi-end Loudspeakers: Hoàn thiện thiết kế phân tần: Page 5

  3. DIY-lover

    DIY-lover Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    TBG - HCMC
    Re: Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    Trong cuốn sách có đề cập đến một số phần mềm, công cụ đo đạc, hỗ trợ cho việc làm loa, Các Bác nào có một trong những phần mềm thuộc loại này thì cho Em học hỏi (tốt nhất là copy 1 bản về xài ké :mrgreen: ) với nhé:

    (ngoài ra còn quảng cáo về linh kiện, củ loa, giắc cắm . . . nhưng Em không quan tâm lắm vì Em toàn xài hàng Nhựt tảo và Dét Xơ :lol: )

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  4. DIY-lover

    DIY-lover Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    TBG - HCMC
    Re: Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    >> Cái này hình như Bác sĩ có đây này :wink:

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  5. SixL6

    SixL6 Advanced Member

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    Re: Hi-end Loudspeakers: Hoàn thiện thiết kế phân tần: Page 5

    Cao gì mà cao,thấy cho là em chộp ì mà. Á, em có cặp tweeter giông giống Cai loa trên ì. :wink:
  6. DIY-lover

    DIY-lover Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    TBG - HCMC
    Re: Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    Và đây nữa . . . Bác sĩ có cái này hông ?
  7. DIY-lover

    DIY-lover Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    TBG - HCMC
    Re: Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    Và đây nữa . . .
  8. DIY-lover

    DIY-lover Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    TBG - HCMC
    Re: Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    Nữa . . .

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  9. DIY-lover

    DIY-lover Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    TBG - HCMC
    Re: Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    Một số thiết bị . . .

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  10. pktuong

    pktuong Advanced Member

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    Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    Và đây!

    Cái cực kỳ quan trọng nữa mà bác nào cũng có! (nhưng có còn dùng đuợc hay không thì em không rõ!)

    Đó là cái ...... lỗ tai :D

    Cái quyết định sống còn đến những cái còn lại!
  11. DIY-lover

    DIY-lover Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    TBG - HCMC
    Re: Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    >>> Tai xịn mà có thêm mấy cái này hỗ trợ nữa thì còn gì bằng, giá có sẵn hết, cụ nào ngoon thì mua về cho bà con . . . mượn :lol:

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  12. ClassA

    ClassA Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Re: Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    Em có quyển này bằng pdf, cũng là 7th edition :mrgreen: .

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  13. DIY-lover

    DIY-lover Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    TBG - HCMC
    Re: Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    Thế Cụ share cho bà con, Em khỏe khỏi photo :mrgreen:
    Em còn cái CD phần mềm nữa cơ :lol:
  14. tcqanh

    tcqanh Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    Q3, Sài Gòn
    Re: Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    cái này mới quan trọng nè 8) . hôm nào anh mang laptop qua cài luôn nhé.

    còn cái file pdf của cụ Cờ lát là phiên bản tiếng TQ. chắc phải phải gởi qua cho cụ ULtra dịch hộ :lol:
  15. DIY-lover

    DIY-lover Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    TBG - HCMC
    Re: Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    Cái này cài thẳng từ CD không được Cụ ơi, nó bắt phải dùng cặp đôi (Bass Box Pro + X-over Pro) bẻ khóa xong mới cài được :mrgreen:
  16. tcqanh

    tcqanh Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    Q3, Sài Gòn
    Re: Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    hôm nào có cặp tụ nối tầng xịn do tiên sinh phương xa tặng. em mang cái EL84 mới ráp qua bẻ khóa với cái EL34 của cụ. nguyên cái EL84 này chỉ bằng tầng đầu và tầng đảo pha của cụ thui :cry:

    có khi nào EL84 của em thắng không nhỉ :wink:
  17. nomores23

    nomores23 Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    Hà Nội
    Re: Hi-end Loudspeakers: Hoàn thiện thiết kế phân tần: Page 5

    em đăng ký 1 cuốn :D
  18. DIY-lover

    DIY-lover Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    TBG - HCMC
    Re: Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    Em chỉ cần đem MartinLogan 86dB ra test thì cái EL84 bốc khói luôn chứ cần chi thi với đấu :mrgreen:
  19. DIY-lover

    DIY-lover Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    TBG - HCMC
    Re: Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    Nội dung cái DC LDC7 đây:

    LDC7 Design Suite Operating Instructions

    Generally, all of the loudspeaker design utilities for the LDC7 Design Suite function in
    the same manner in the Excel spreadsheets. Entering data is the same for all operations.
    Left click on the data entry field, type in the appropriate numbers, and hit the enter key.
    When all of the entry fields have been input, results are automatically displayed. The red
    corners in the text fields contain short explanations. To display these explanations and
    comments, move your mouse cursor over the text field (no clicking is required).

    Driver Performance
    The LDC7 Driver Performance calculator is a very simple, easy to use and powerful
    speaker design tool. To use the program, all you do is enter the parameter data that you
    have either measured using techniques described in Chapter 8 of LDC7, measured with an
    analyzer, or obtained from a woofer manufacturer’s data sheet. This information is then
    entered by left clicking on the data “box” in each one of the Driver columns in the Input
    Parameters section, typing in the numbers, and then hitting the enter key. To complete
    this process you will only need the Sd (use the Speaker Sd utility in the Sd & Disp Vol
    section), Re (voice coil DC resistance), Fs, Qts, Qms, Vas, Xmax and Power handling in RMS

    The last four rows allow you to play “what if” games with your woofer. Simply input a
    box volume for a sealed box and/or a vented box. For the sealed box you can also enter a
    percent of fiberglass fill material (a box lined on four sides and the back of the box with
    R19 6” thick fiberglass is typically 50% filled). For the vented box calculation all you
    need to do is enter a vent (port) diameter (this calculator is only for tube type vents).
    Since vent length is limited normally by box depth, you can keep changing the diameter
    until you find a length that will fit in the box with at least 0.5”–1” of rear clearance
    from the port end to the box wall.

    Once the data is entered, the program will automatically give you the extended parameters
    (these cannot be changed), plus the sealed and vented box details (these also cannot be
    changed). There are six columns, so you can enter the same parameters for a single woofer
    six times and compare different box results, or enter six different woofers parameters and
    compare the sealed and vented box performance for each woofer.

    The Driver Performance calculator will give you both power handling in RMS Watts and
    Maximum SPL in dB for each enclosure type. RMS power handling is based on excursion only,
    so may sometimes give what will look like excessively high power handling predictions.
    However, Max SPL is based on the thermal limit of the driver, and will give you a more
    realistic idea of the output capability of the woofer. The program will also give the box
    Alpha number that refers to the degree of rear loading on the woofer cone. An Alpha number
    higher than 3 means there is very little back pressure on the rear surface of the cone
    and the field will turn red as a caution. A number of 3 or higher could be compared to an
    infinite baffle, and would be like mounting a woofer through a wall in your home with the
    back side loading into another large room with no enclosure other than the room.

    Sd and Displacement Volume
    The Sd and Speaker Displacement Volume section of the LDC7 Design Suite has two very
    useful utilities. On the right side of the page is the Speaker Sd cone area calculator for
    producing T/S parameters and on the left side is the physical Speaker Volume Displacement
    calculator useful in generating enclosure dimensions.

    Sd calculation in this utility is based upon AES Preprint #4082 titled Diaphragm Area and
    Mass Nonlinearities of Cone Loudspeakers by Olsen and Thorborg. This technique yields
    somewhat larger Sd results that the standard method of computing cone area from the cone
    diameter measured inclusive of 1/3 to 1/2 of the surround and is recommended. To use the
    Sd calculator, choose the row designated for the diameter of your driver in inches, then
    highlight the entry in the OD column, enter the diameter in centimeters measured from the

    outside edges of the surround and hit the enter key. Following this, highlight the entry
    in the RD column and enter the width of the surround in centimeters and hit the enter key.
    The true Sd for your driver will then automatically be calculated and will appear in green
    text in the Sd column.

    The Speaker Volume Displacement calculator is useful for box dimension calculation. This
    data can be added to the net volume of your enclosure design to come up with a total gross
    volume that can then be used for creating the final dimensions of a box design. There are
    seven columns of required data that you can enter with the physical measurements of your
    driver using a ruler that is graduated in centimeters. To start, use the row that matches
    the diameter of your driver in inches. The seven data fields in the row are:

    VD=diameter of the voice coil.
    MDG=outside diameter of the magnet assembly.
    SCD=outside diameter of the magnet assembly including any metal or rubber boot type magnet
    BD=depth of the driver frame from the bottom of the mounting rim to the spider mounting
    CD=depth measured between the spider mounting shelf and the bottom of the frame that is
    attached to the front plate of the motor assembly.
    MD=depth of the magnet assembly inclusive of any metal or rubber boot type magnet covers.
    BT=front baffle depth for the box you are building (thickness of the front baffle the driver
    will be mounted on).

    Once you have highlighted each field, entered the appropriate new data and hit the enter
    key, the total volume displacement number will automatically appear at the end of the row
    in green text giving the final calculation in cubic centimeters, inches and feet.

    Measurement Tools
    Measurement Tools is a parameter calculation utility that will facilitate making the
    parameter measurements that are described in LDC7 Chapter 8.

    Using the same left click, typing in the data and pressing enter method, start with
    section 1 (Enter Physical Values) by entering the driver voice coil DC resistance, Re, in
    Ohms, the driver Sd (use the Speaker Sd utility in the Sd & Disp Vol section) in square
    meters and driver free-air resonance, Fs in Hz.

    For cone body mass (Mmd) calculation, you can either use the Added Mass or the Sealed Box
    methods in Section 2 (Calculate Mmd/Mms). Using the Added Mass method (see LDC7 8.30 A),
    enter the measured amount of material attached to the cone for this measurement (in grams)
    and then enter the new resonance frequency in Hertz. Mmd will be automatically displayed.
    For the Sealed Box method (see LDC7 8.30 B and Figure 8.11), enter the volume of the test
    box in cubic feet and the new resonance frequency in Hertz. Again, Mmd will automatically
    be displayed. To find the remaining parameters in this section (Mms, Cms and Vas), enter
    the Mmd value from either the Added Mass or Sealed Box methods in the Calculated Mmd field.

    For driver Q parameters (Qts, Qes, and Qms plus Bl), using test Method 1 (LDC 7 page 204),
    start by entering the substitute resistor value Rc in Ohms, the standard voltage and the
    current through Rc at the standard voltage. Next replace the Rc with the DUT (Driver
    Under Test), and measure the current at Fs (the minimum current in amps). And last, enter
    the frequency below Fs (F1) and the frequency above Fs (F2) where the current equals
    the calculated current value Ir. The remaining parameters, Qms, Qes, Qts and Bl will be
    automatically displayed.

    Enclosure Design Tools
    This section of enclosure utilities will help you dimension both rectangular enclosures
    and trapezoid shaped enclosures (often used in car and truck installations) as well as
    determine vent tuning frequency.

    1. Rectangular Enclosure-this box design utility will develop a cut list for building a

    rectangular box. Start by left clicking on the numerical data field in the Final Volume
    row. Enter the calculated box volume in cubic feet and press enter. Using the same
    method, enter the driver volume displacement (this can be calculated in Section B, Sd and
    Displacement Volume). You can also include other detracting volumes such as the volume
    displaced by a crossover, a vent tube or by enclosure bracing and enter this combination
    as a single number in this field. Next, enter the material thickness plus baffle width and
    height. The dimensions of the various parts required to make a butt-joint type box are
    automatically displayed in the remaining fields.

    2. Trapezoid Enclosure-this box design utility will develop a cut list for building a
    trapezoid shaped box. Start by left clicking on the numerical data field in the Final
    Volume row. Enter the calculated box volume in cubic feet and press enter. Using the same
    method, enter the driver volume displacement (this can be calculated in Section B, Sd and
    Displacement Volume). You can also include other detracting volumes such as the volume
    displaced by a crossover, a vent tube or by enclosure bracing and enter this combination
    as a single number in this field. Next, enter the material thickness, the front baffle width
    and height plus the back baffle height. The dimensions of the various parts required to
    make a butt-joint type box are automatically displayed in the remaining fields. Note that
    for all dimensions that have angles, the dimension is to the longest edge. Cut the board
    to this dimension and then cut the angles.

    3. Vent Calculator (round)-while you can design a vent to be virtually any shape, the
    easiest is to use cardboard or plastic (ABS or PVC) tubing. This utility will help you
    calculate both the vent tube displacement volume for enclosure volume calculations and the
    vent tuning frequency. Start by left clicking on the Vent Inner Diameter row data field,
    entering the dimension in inches and hitting the enter key. Using the same method enter
    dimensions for the vent wall thickness, vent length, baffle thickness and enclosure volume.
    Manually change the vent length until you achieve the correct tuning frequency. If the
    tube is too long for the enclosure dimensions, reduce the vent diameter until the correct
    length for the correct tuning frequency is achieved.

    Two-Way Crossover Tools
    The 2-way Crossover Tools section of the LDC7 Design Suite is very useful for getting
    starting values for either manually designing a crossover or for starting values for use
    in crossover optimizer software such as LEAP 5, LSPcad, or Fine X-over. Generally, the
    values you get from classic filter function formulas using resistive termination data,
    which is what is being presented in this section, will not provide adequate or accurate
    results when applied to the complex impedance and frequency response of the drivers you
    are using, however this is discussed in more detail in Chapter 7 of LDC Edition 7 and to a
    greater extent in the Loudspeaker Recipes book by Vance Dickason.

    Using the 2-way Crossover utility requires only a minimum of user data. Move your
    computer cursor to the first row of the green data input section and left click on the
    crossover frequency in the column B data field, enter the new crossover frequency in Hz
    and hit the enter key. Next, in the same manner as with crossover frequency, enter the
    nominal resistance (impedance) for the high-frequency driver and the nominal resistance
    (impedance) of the low-frequency driver. Actual driver measured DCR can also be used for
    both of the entries. For first-order series networks, you need to enter the Zeta, which
    is the degree of damping for the network. The default is 0.5 that relates to a Bessel
    filter, but you can decrease the damping to be more in line with a less damped function by
    changing the number to 1.2. Once the data is entered, the results will appear in the blue

    Three-way Crossover Tools
    The 3-way Crossover Tools section of the LDC7 Design Suite is, like the 2-way Crossover
    Tools section, very useful for getting starting values for either manually designing a
    crossover or for starting values for use in crossover optimizer software such as LEAP 5,
    LSPcad, or Fine X-over. Generally, the values you get from classic filter function formulas
    using resistive termination data, which is what is being presented in this section,
    will not provide adequate or accurate results when applied to the complex impedance and

    frequency response of the drivers you are using; however this is discussed in more detail
    in Chapter 7 of LDC Edition 7 and to a greater extent in the Loudspeaker Recipes book by
    Vance Dickason.

    Using the 3-way Crossover utility requires only a minimum of user data. This section is
    divided into two sections. The first is for 1st and 2nd-order three-way networks and
    the second is for 3rd and 4th-order networks. Both, however, function exactly the same.
    For either category, move your computer cursor to the first row of the green data input
    section and left click on the low crossover frequency in column B. Enter the new crossover
    frequency in Hz and hit the enter key, doing the exact same operation for the high
    crossover frequency. Next, in the same manner as with the two crossover frequencies, enter
    the nominal driver resistance (impedance) for the high-frequency driver, the midrange
    driver and the low-frequency driver. Actual driver measured DCR can also be used for each
    of the entries. Once the data is entered, the results will appear in the blue sections.

    Additional Crossover Tools
    The following is a collection of circuits that are to be combined with standard network
    topographies to make specific changes that will improve the network’s performance.

    1. Zobel-to create a CR conjugate (Zobel) network that will EQ (make flat) the impedance
    for any woofer, midrange or tweeter, just left click on the Re Speaker data entry and type
    in the DC resistance in Ohms of the driver and hit the enter key. Next, left click on
    the Le Voice Coil entry field and type in the 1kHz voice coil inductance in millihenries.
    Values for the circuit will automatically appear in the C1 and R1 data fields.

    2. RL Contour Network-this type of circuit equalizes a rising response that is increasing
    with increasing frequency. To find values for this circuit, determine the frequency the
    rise begins (Frequency Min) and the frequency where the rising anomaly ends (Frequency
    Max). Enter these two values in the appropriate data fields using the same left click and
    enter method. Next, enter the speaker DC resistance in Ohms and the desired resistance
    value. The goal is to pick a resistor value that will produce the amount of attenuation
    that approximately equals the maximum dB level above the nominal driver output level
    produced by the response rise. This can be determined by trial and error by entering
    different values of resistance until your attenuation goal is reached.

    3. RLC Parallel Notch Filter-the parallel RLC circuit can be regarded as a peak filter to
    remove discreet SPL anomalies in a response. Using the same left click and enter method,
    enter the low and high frequency limits of the peak in Hz, the height of the peak in dB
    above the nominal driver SPL and the DC resistance of the speaker. Resulting values for
    the three required component values will appear in the R1/C1/L1 fields.

    4. Inductor Designer-this utility will create two shapes of inductors, one with a low
    profile that has a winding height equal to the radius of the inductor core, and one that
    has maximum “Q” and a minimum of turns that has a winding height equal to twice the radius
    (same winding height as core diameter). Using the same left click and enter method,
    enter the value in Ohms of the desired inductor DC resistance and inductor value in
    millihenries. Results will appear for both inductor shapes in the appropriate data fields.

    5. L Pad-the L- type attenuation circuit described here allows you to not only come up
    with a stable load for the crossover circuit, but also allows you to determine the load
    value for the crossover, making it possible to minimize inductor size. Determining the
    values for the L pad circuit requires entering the amount of attenuation in dB, the
    speaker DC resistance and the desired load resistance for the crossover. Once these values
    are entered using the same left click and enter method, the values for R1 and R2 will
    automatically be determined.

    6. RL Contour Network-this type of circuit equalizes a rising response that is increasing
    with decreasing frequency. To find values for this circuit, determine the frequency the
    rise begins (Frequency Min) and the frequency where the rising anomaly ends (Frequency
    Max). Enter these two values in the appropriate data fields using the same left click and

    enter method. Next, enter the speaker DC resistance in Ohms and the desired resistance
    value. The goal is to pick a resistor value that will produce the amount of attenuation
    that approximately equals the maximum dB level above the nominal driver output level
    produced by the response rise. This can be determined by trial and error by entering
    different values of resistance until your attenuation goal is reached.

    7. Series Notch Filter-this circuit is primarily used to attenuate a resonance peak
    in a tweeter, midrange, or woofer in order to facilitate crossover design. Using the
    left click and enter method, enter the driver resonance frequency in Hz, the driver DC
    resistance in Ohms, and the driver Qes and Qms values. The results giving values for the
    RLC components will automatically appear in the data fields for C1/L1/R1 plus the resulting
    LCR circuit “Q”.

    Acoustic Tools
    This section contains four utilities that will be useful for the acoustic analysis of a
    speaker system.

    1. Room Modes-this is a simplified room mode calculator that will give you an approximate
    idea of grouping of room mode frequencies for a given set of rectangular room dimensions.
    The columns labeled 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th correspond to wavelength multiples of 0.5, 1,
    1.5, and 2, respectively. To start, left click on the first room dimension, type in the
    floor to ceiling height in feet (use the decimal equivalent to express inches) and hit the
    enter key. Using the same procedure, fill in the width and length dimensions. Results will
    be automatically displayed for each wavelength multiple.

    2. Voltage to dB-to calculate the dB change from one A.C. voltage level to another A.C.
    voltage level, left click on the Voltage 1 row data field, enter a voltage and hit enter.
    Do the same for the second voltage in the Voltage 2 row data field. Note, you can calculate
    from a lower voltage to a higher voltage or a higher voltage to a lower one. In the latter
    case, the answer will be in minus dB.

    3. Xmax to SPL-this utility will calculate the SPL at any frequency and distance for a
    given woofer or combination of woofers. Start by left clicking on the Sd row data field,
    entering the driver Sd in cubic meters and hitting the enter key. Using the same method,
    enter the Xmax in millimeters (if you want to include the effects of the driver motor
    fringe field, use Xmax +15%), number of drivers, the frequency in Hertz that you wish to
    examine and the distance from the speaker to the microphone. The answer in dB will be
    displayed in green text in the SPL row.

    4. Multiple Driver-the Multiple Driver utility will help you calculate the total amplifier
    load and output sensitivity for any number of drivers in a series, parallel or series
    parallel arrangement. Start by left clicking on the Re row data field and type in the DC
    resistance of the driver voice coil and hit the enter key. Using the same method enter
    the driver sensitivity in dB, the number of drivers in series, and the number of drivers
    or groups of drivers in parallel. Note if you are only using either one set of series
    drivers or one set of parallel drivers, always enter 1 for the connection not being used,
    not zero. For example, with 2 drivers in series, enter 1 for the number of Groups in
    Parallel. Likewise, with 2 Groups in Parallel (2 drivers in parallel), enter 1 for Number
    in Series.

    This utility has a number of convenient conversions from one unit of measurement to
    another. Operation is simple: just choose the conversion to use (either Distance, Area,
    Volume, Mass or Temperature) and enter the number you are converting in the red text input
    field (Input Value column) by left clicking, entering the number and pressing the enter
    key. Converted units will automatically be displayed.

    Attached Files:

    • LCD7.jpg
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      125,2 KB
  20. DIY-lover

    DIY-lover Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    TBG - HCMC
    Re: Hi-end Loudspeakers: Hoàn thiện thiết kế phân tần: Page 5

    Em lập lại danh sách, các Bác điền tiếp vào giúp Em nhé

    Danh sách các Bác photo sách

    Loudspeaker Design Cookbook:

    1 - HaChu: 01
    2 - tcqanh: 01
    3 - pktuong: 01
    4 - Sixl6 : 01
    5 - Garbo:01
    6 - Airman: 01
    7 - Hailh: 01
    8 - nomores23: 01
  21. tcqanh

    tcqanh Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    Q3, Sài Gòn
    Re: Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    em đọc lướt nội dung thì thấy phần mềm trong cái CD đóa đầy đủ rồi cụ DIY ui... sáng mai em qua mí được. tiện thể nghe cái EL34 luôn.
  22. DIY-lover

    DIY-lover Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    TBG - HCMC
    Re: Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    Trong CD có cái File Excel này khoảng 4MB tính toán loa mà không biết up lên đâu cho các cụ tham khảo đây, Cụ nào cần thì cho Email Em gởi cho nhanh nha:

    LDC7 Design Suite.xls
  23. tcqanh

    tcqanh Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    Q3, Sài Gòn
    Re: Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    meo tcqanh@yahoo.com đây cụ. em vọc rồi bày lại cho các cụ :D
  24. DIY-lover

    DIY-lover Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    TBG - HCMC
    Re: Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    Em vẫn thít Bass Box Pro và X-over Pro vì là Pro nên Em tin tưởng hơn, mấy cái Em mới có chỉ là bèo thôi. Cụ cứ đem theo Bass Box Pro cho Em với nha :mrgreen:
  25. DIY-lover

    DIY-lover Advanced Member

    Likes Received:
    TBG - HCMC
    Re: Hi-Fi Loudspeakers: Giới thiệu sách về thiết kế Loa (Tr.6)

    Check mail đi Cụ ơi, gởi xong rồi :)

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